Travel guide to touristic destinations, museums and architecture in Oahu Island. This is the Kahuku Unit map, showing a section of Hawaii Volcanoes to the southwest of the main developed areas around Kilauea. These map sheets, the illustrative meat of the publication, can be downloaded in pdf format, ready to print. Moon Hawaii by Kevin Whitton. Lot 1C. The Island of Hawai‘i, largest of the islands, is depicted at a smaller scale, 1:250,000, so that it, too, can be shown on 36-inch … PDF packet now additionally includes an Oahu Beaches Map. Construction areas. Unwind on the pristine beaches of Maui, hike the famed coastline of Kaua’i, or experience the melting pot culture of the Big Island. Historix Vintage 1893 Map of Hawaii - 16x24 Inch Vintage Map of Hawaiian Islands Wall Art - Hawaii Vintage Map Includes Text and Statistical Data - Vintage Map Hawaii - Hawaii Map Poster (2 sizes) 4.5 out of 5 stars 13. Map scale is 1:100,000 for most of the islands, so that each map is about 27 inches by 36 inches. %PDF-1.6 8 2 3 4 3 2 9 3 3 2 7 6 1 1 6 3 2 5 0 5 10 20 Miles Office of Planning State of Hawaii Hawaii County Lava Flow Hazard Zones 1 (Highest Risk) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Lowest Risk) -File size is 4.3 MB as a print-ready PDF document Hawaii (reference map) PDF format (120K) Shaded relief map with state boundaries, forest cover, place names, major highways. Hawaii (reference map) PDF format (120K) Shaded relief map with state boundaries, forest cover, place names, major highways. These downloadable maps are .pdf files that work well with almost any … These map sheets, the illustrative meat of the publication, can be downloaded in pdf format, ready to print. State of Hawaii 1964 State Land Use Districts Agricultural Conservation Rural Urban 0 50 100 Miles. Kailua is the name of the following places in the U.S. state of Hawaii: Legal. These links do not cost you anything and help provide the necessary funding to maintain this website. oeuce 0k bBOeBVVN . These maps display census geographic boundaries and the geographic distribution of selected census data. sK%���\'�W*�-��ʤ���^���4Q+��%k�\!��A�6am�����5i�R�h-=��^������o�2���CJ��Ԝҟ����P�T��*���R���@UnT��E{AR-��g�7-�.Z�@G��5)��>Ж�qNJ��xQR#��@����*+����[z�@�ҏ>)i�^C�y�:ڋ�Tu�II�~Sz��_�&�#�$�h����ծ˽CDKk��DJ�f��\���{J��A�{Q�į��7ְ��@շ�(��g��4_����}�sQR���@ki�9)��Hh��9=i����(u⳾h�:��e֙��=-��hm��� a����xޢ�0ڋ���EI͏�էuV������)�U�G�E������Ԩ��LY�T�����[^�����i=�-���FkN,�mI�4��o��C���Ұ��u���`��*�^_���8��E��aO/ J�e�7ma���y i����ᾨRR ������|� 3��E�͚YQ���n`b�ђ�$��W]�9�`�~�'�u����V�7XzfOv�}(��kOQ��ň�W�^�. We’ve also included various geographic reference maps for each of the four primary islands within Hawaii. (See the park website for current closures.) 72A 45A . Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa in Ko Olina on the beautiful island of Oahu, is located in a spectacular setting. State of Hawaii 1964 State Land Use Districts Agricultural Conservation Rural Urban 0 50 100 Miles. SHPD uses GIS to assist the review and compliance program by allowing staff and stakeholders to visualize historic … Fire Insurance Maps. Help. Hawaii MAPS FOR THE islands OF OAHU, MAUI, Kauai, and the big island Hawaii Map Packet Visit us online for great Hawaii travel tips, … Campus Map (English) (PDF) Campus Map (日本語) (PDF) Interactive Maps. Detailed and high-resolution maps of Oahu Island, USA for free download. This website's use is your expressly conditioned acceptance of the terms, conditions, and disclaimers found within our Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability page without any modifications. Hawaii's Top Hotels, Resorts, B&Bs, & Vacation Rentals, Hawaii's Best Sights, Attractions, & Adventures. Map scale is 1:100,000 for most of the islands, so that each map is about 27 inches by 36 inches. Oahu is separated into 5 main areas: Honolulu, the North Shore, the Windward Coast, Central Oahu and the Leeward Coast.Note that world-famous Waikiki is actually a neighborhood located in greater Honolulu. This map was created by a user. Title: DOC.max Author: choogma Created Date: 4/11/2003 11:46:34 AM Plant finder. Proceed west on Moanalua Road. Click in the pop-up window to get a PDF map of the district. State of Hawaii Election Map 1:550,000 Scale 2000 H11 Hawaii Subdivisions Census Map 1970 H11 General Highway Map of Hawaii By Department of Transportation Highways Division 1970 H11 NOAA Maps – Island Chain Title Description Year Drawer Hawaii to French Frigate Shoals 1:1,650,000 Scale - Soundings in Fathoms 1989 H11 The maps below are some of the most frequently requested historical maps of the principal islands of Hawaiʻi. Get directions, maps, and traffic for Honolulu, HI. x��O�&9n�y/��C� lu�`����1��{�a���gѽ���_2B"�d�Of�ۇ~]]�ٟ��P($J�H��v�_��������_��Ͽ������������������wߎ���o�w������?�o�F�����?�U˦]ٴ/�mY�o�����������T����-���o�6���Ѯ����o�������㯾��K`:;�T��v�߮�J$\X�]�(�ōJ��|����O��ᡇ�����������+����;�\�7���AR���rг��[I�p;0��\�m��r��[N�U?�quz�Ck;����%h�����َ���ҽ��}Ijf[�����_�5>P�pQ�^����HGzњ�Q^��t��"�:���+���[*�8?Дz�RI��M�SJ�EϖRq�>ʕR{�RR/��a׋��0_�X݋�O���V�~�Wʾ���VR�(J#eߺ��M�v�v< ��� Are you looking for the map of another part of the Big Island? Päpa/aloa Directions. Click the image to view a full size JPG (1.2 mb) or download the PDF (4.3 mb). Get it now!\r\n Keywords: hawaii map, hawaii map usa, hawaii outline, hawaii state map, a map of hawaii, hawaii map outline, hawaii state outline, printable map … Check flight prices and hotel availability for your visit. Explore Honolulu and Oahu with these printable travel maps. oeuce 0k bBOeBVVN . Clicking on any icon will show you more information and, if present, take you to the relevant page on this website. -Filesize is 2.2 MB as a print-ready PDF document Lot 5 . Includes most major attractions, all major routes, airports, and a chart with estimated driving times for each respective island. The HawaiÊ»i State Archives may have some maps that we do not. FREE Shipping by Amazon. Maps dating from 1897 to 1950 may be downloaded in PDF format. Georeferenced TIFF versions of most of the maps are available to download by clicking on the Zipped TIFF file. Because each of our Hawaii digital maps is available in the Adobe Illustrator or editable PDF format, both of which use a vector based approach to displaying images, you can easily zoom into any portion of our maps … Stuff I liked from the Big Island. plan, book, and go... maui Maui Map Packet Visit us online for great Maui travel tips, advice, and information about all the best sights, beaches, and hiking trails found on This is the Kahuku Unit map, showing a section of Hawaii Volcanoes to the southwest of the main developed … All of our editable Hawaii vector maps are instantly downloadable digital files in either editable PDF or Adobe Illustrator format. BIG ISLAND MAP GUIDE 17 Kailua-Kona Map. Interactive map of Oahu with all popular attractions - Diamond Head Crater, Pearl Harbor Visitor Center , Hanauma Bay State Park and more. We also receive a small commission from travel partners for some of the links found on this website. 2021 Hawaii Travel Guide. You can use the Search Tool to … * is not a booking agent, accommodation provider, establishment, or tour operator. Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability. Student. Travel guide to touristic destinations, museums and architecture in Maui. Parking. Terms of Use/Legal:: Privacy Policy ©OAHU TRANSIT SERVICES, INC. All rights reserved. M . Grandière’s 1858 Map of Honolulu (Published by Editions Limited) A geographic information system (GIS) is a helpful tool for managing and analyzing data to assist in communication, reporting, and understanding of geographic places and phenomena. Bus Stop . stream DBEDT Reference Maps (based on 2010 Census geography) Geographic Level Static PDF Maps Interactive Maps … Turn left onto Waimano Home Road and continue until you reach … 811 Middle Street Honolulu, HI 96819 (808) 848-5555 1 0 obj General Reference", compiled by U.S. Geological Survey 2001, printed 2002 Kilauea Iki & Napau Crater Trail Maps. Portion of "The National Atlas of the United States of America. /Length 2 0 R Download your FREE copy of our... Printable maps. The other city map has city location dots, and can be used by teachers for quizzes and practice. Use this interactive map of Kailua-Kona to explore the local activities, sights, hotels and landmarks. Visitor Parking. All Gender/ … One city map has the city names: Mililani Town, Pearl City, Waipahu, Waimalu, Kaneohe, Kailua, Kahului, Kihei, Hilo, Honolulu, the capital city of Hawaii listed. Explore Hawaii Hotel Deals & Specials Search Now. © Copyright 2021 — Guide of US, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Click on the Preview column to interact with a georeferenced version of a map. All Gender Restrooms . Mahalo! 99. Get directions, maps, and traffic for Kailua, HI. /Filter /FlateDecode Because each of our Hawaii digital maps is available in the Adobe Illustrator or editable PDF format, both of which use a vector based approach to displaying images, you can easily zoom into any portion of our maps without any degradation in the quality of the text, lines and symbols of the map --- regardless of the magnification factor. Click the image to view a full size JPG (1.2 mb) or download the PDF (4.3 mb). Click on the View column to view or download a map. Ensure you have the newest travel maps from Moon by ordering the most recent edition of our travel guides to Hawaii. $34.99 $ 34. Kailua, HI Directions {{::location.tagLine.value.text}} Sponsored Topics. HONOLULU COMMUNITY COLLEGE • MAIN CAMPUS MAP 874 Dillingham Boulevard Honolulu, HI 96817 | (808) 845-9129 | LEGEND: Building/Covered Structure . The DBEDT maps are a joint project between the Hawaii State Data Center and the DBEDT Office of Planning – Hawaii Statewide GIS Program. This is the Kilauea Caldera map, the most developed and visited section of Hawaii Volcanoes. Lactation Stations. Hilo, Hawaii 96720 USA Phone: (808) 934-7788 FAX: (808) 934-5099 INSTITUTEFOR ASTRONOMY UNIVERSITYOF HAWAI'I 2680 Woodlawn Drive, Honolulu, HI 9682 Information Bulletin No. State of Hawaii Election Map 1:550,000 Scale 2000 H11 Hawaii Subdivisions Census Map 1970 H11 General Highway Map of Hawaii By Department of Transportation Highways Division 1970 H11 NOAA Maps – Island Chain Title Description Year Drawer Hawaii to French Frigate Shoals 1:1,650,000 Scale - Soundings in Fathoms 1989 H11 Travel guide to touristic destinations, museums and architecture in Oahu Island. The maps shown here are for visualization purposes only and are not suitable for site-specific decision making. To view basic metadata for these georeferenced maps, download the companion spreadsheet. This Hawaii state outline is perfect to test your child's knowledge on Hawaii's cities and overall geography. We also have interactive maps of Waimea, Volcano Village, and Hilo! For example, as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Guide of Hawaii, LLC is a privately-owned (non-government) business. Driving Maps for Oahu, Maui, Kauai, and the Big Island Updated with new high-resolution maps of Oahu, Kauai, Maui, and the Big Island. Hawaii travel maps for downloading, printing, or just using for reference on each of the major Hawaiian Islands. Parking. I have tried my best to replicate the current system on each island. Detailed and high-resolution maps of Oahu Island, USA for free download. The middle lane of the exit leads you directly to Moanalua Road. 16 HAWAI‘I - MILE BY MILE Kealakekua Bay & Pu‘uohonua o Honaunau Map. This is the Kilauea Caldera map, the most developed and visited section of Hawaii Volcanoes. Motorcycle Parking Restrooms . Use our unique Maui Maps to find the Maui activities, Maui attractions, and Maui Information about your destination area. Click on a district in the map or on the list below to zoom in to the district. Click the image to … View photos, artist's renderings and videos of Aulani and beautiful Ko Olina, Hawaii. Restrooms w/ Automatic Doors . We have different versions of these important historical maps which show building and street information for towns and cities at a large scale. Portion of "The National Atlas of the United States of America. FROM HONOLULU: Take the H-1 Freeway, 'ewa bound, to the Pearl City exit (exit #10). Google Maps location/directions to Leeward CC, 96-045 Ala Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782. UH provides this information with the understanding that polygons and shapes are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate, correct, or complete and conclusions drawn from such information are the responsibility of the user(s). * is not a booking agent, accommodation provider, establishment, or tour operator. 28. Kapa/au 250 270 Honoka/a Pa/ auilo 'Õ1õkala Laupähoeho . Updated with new high-resolution maps of Oahu, Kauai, Maui, and the Big Island. General Reference", compiled by U.S. Geological Survey 2001, printed 2002 31, October 2005 The Institute for Astronomy Hilo Facility and Location of Mauna Kea Observatories Base Facilities at UH Hilo University Park Gemini Observatory Get directions, maps, and traffic for Kailua, HI. Take a look at our detailed itineraries, guides and maps to help you plan your trip to Oahu. BIG ISLAND MAP GUIDE 15 South Hawai‘i Map. 8 2 3 4 3 2 9 3 3 2 7 6 1 1 6 3 2 5 0 5 10 20 Miles Office of Planning State of Hawaii Hawaii County Lava Flow Hazard Zones 1 (Highest Risk) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Lowest Risk) Learn how to create your own. -File size is 4.3 MB as a print-ready PDF document. Includes most major attractions, all major routes, airports, and a chart with Oahu & Honolulu estimated driving times. Kaua'i Oahu Moloka'i Maui In-na'i Hawai'i KONA INT'L AIR ORT (KOA) Kohaia Häwl . Your use of this website constitutes your acceptance of all the terms, conditions, and disclaimers posted herein. Oahu The Gathering Place plan, book, and go... oahu Oahu Map Packet Visit us online for great Oahu travel tips, advice, and information about all the best (See the park website for current closures.) All Gender Restrooms Download this free printable Hawaii state map to mark up with your student. Get it as soon as Thu, Jan 21. If you do not agree with any part of these terms and conditions, you should not use this website. Check flight prices and hotel availability for your visit. All partners and related links comply with our Advertising Disclosures. << Detailed and high-resolution maps of Maui, USA for free download. If you encounter any problems with the map… Wireless network map. >> Welcome to SoundMaster's siren map of Hawaii's statewide system. Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. Updated with a new high-resolution map of Oahu. Oahu occupies 597 square miles and is the second oldest of the six Islands of Aloha, lying between Kauai and Maui. Includes most major attractions, all major routes, airports, and a chart with estimated driving times for each respective island. Guide of Hawaii, LLC is a privately-owned (non-government) business. Use this website are available to download by clicking on any icon will show you more information,! 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