Is it possible, if you fart and sneeze at the same time could you die? Also one of my teachers said that OUR section is the only section that's always sick (because they always cough and sneeze) Now im 16 yrs old. I can’t confirm if this information is correct but, since I’ve recently found out (on Quora of course!) Full body, rapid muscle contraction produces a cannon like effect on the manure. Still have questions? re affected by my smell. 51 comments. When you sneeze and fart at the same time, is like your body is taking a screenshot. Why do I pee when I sneeze? The fart is a lot more forceful, actually kinda hurts aomwtimea Answer Save. Ever happens to you? 3 Answers ... no I don't think so.I have sneezed before and it caused me to poop my pants. Dr. Manel Silva answered 0 0. When you snizzle so hard your beans strain and piddle comes out so fast it hurts. Millions of women worry that a burst of laughter, a sudden sneeze or a bad cough will be more than their leaky bladder can handle. Or at least that's what it feels like. no my friend did that twice b4 it was cool. When you use to go at least once a day. It’s a question many women have but don’t want to ask. What can cause left side pain with alot of gas and everytime you eat you get gas and go poop every 2-3. You’ve probably LOLed at the term “sharting” before. 298 Comments. Replies: 8 Last Post: 07-18-2009, 07:52 AM. Just a rumor i heard ages ago. But we’re here to help. that when one lets out a fart and then ends up shitting their pants, it’s called a “shart”. Today, while I was waiting in line at McDonalds, I found out I can sneeze, pee, and poop all at the same time. This situation is called stress incontinence. Don't know, but I do also usually around noon. When one lets out a little sneeze and poops. Most people poop at the same time every day, typically during waking hours, because their bodies tend to get on a regular schedule. Favorite. They cough,sneeze,and block their nose. Anonymous. anyone poop, pee, and sneeze at the same time? I see your screenshot and raise you the phenomenon of a dairy cow coughing and pooping at the same time. (srs, sort of) By pandaemon666 in forum Misc. Im really depressed everyday because people around me always cough,sneeze… I also poop the same time every day right after morning coffee, maybe it is just a neurologic reflex. Replies: 2 Last Post: 12-14-2009, 12:43 AM. (For the uninitiated, the word is a combination of sh*t and fart, and it happens when you involuntary poop when you’re trying to pass gas.) By vopcho in forum Misc. ever burp and yawn at the same time? The first thing you should know is that you are not alone. share. Tweet Share Miscellaneous BO Central Family values The other stage of grief anyone ever notice that you never see sword and urkel at the same time? Fart and sneeze at the same time? Also can be called a bean sneeze. I always thought that two thirty (tooth hurty) was time to go to the dentist. 1 decade ago. 0 0. FML I agree, your life sucks 52778 You deserved it 7950.
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