Rinse and repeat until you are satisfied or just get tired of Dashboard farming mission rewards…, Forum ID: Poisd2Strike Trades: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/poisd2strikes-humble-shop/367700 Make sure to do this well away from an auto-save point in the game though. | 143,518 members The loots are powerful enough and it goes way up to higher tiers. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a noob to Borderlands. At this point, I use the "PS" button to bring me to the dashboard/PS4 screen and close the application. This was almost necessary on ps3 due to the glacial load times…its much better on the new consoles. I don’t want to f*** anything up, cos I’m good at that! This is how to Read Only Farm in Borderlands 1, 2 or the Pre-Sequel. ah I didn't see that. With regards to the co-op question I am not sure as I don't play co-op but yeah. Trending Questions. It causes an un-fixable infinite download loop. U get the quest reward if it is the one u want, and u drop it to your mule character. Just sign out of your GT and then sign back in- you’ll still be in the game and can quickly resume from your last save (the first time you do that the game will sync your cloud saves and won’t do it again so long as you play with the same character)…. If you have two characters going through (you and your wife) and you don't both need that - depending on the equipment, you'll probably want to replace it in 5 levels or so - or maybe 10 if it's secondary gear (I never paid attention to my shields and relics and stuff like that). Source(s): https://owly.im/a9q1y. ". In Borderlands 2 for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360, you can easily exploit the co-op feature to duplicate just about any item without much effort. Announced during the Xbox E3 briefing and free until July 8, Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary is the final Borderlands 2 DLC, and sets up the start of Borderlands 3. However, just make sure you don’t kick off an autosave after turning the mission in. About 300 hours. Borderlands 2. I always stuck to farming gear instead of farming quest rewards because that's where the loot I wanted was. Sanctuary for franchise news, SHiFT codes and finding groups. For Borderlands 2 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "fastest dashboard farming? If I'm also leveling-up (or just feel like it :-), I'll kill all of them. Yes, I have been farming the crap out of The Warrior (I've read that he drops the weapon called Conference Call) And I haven't gotten it yet.. One of the guys I know has it, but he said he got it from Terramorphus but I've … I always quest farm in split screen. For example, to get the Pimpernel, save at the entrance to the Refinery, before you go visit Censor Bot and hand in the quest. Alright, I’ll try to test this sometime in the next few weeks on a quest with a Green reward. Trending Questions. Since I never hit "X" to accept the reward/close the quest, I should be able to go back to Character X and see what the prize is this time, right? Secondary question: My wife and I co-op. All u need is a second controller and u bring in the second player (known as a mule). Well, can’t help you there. 0 0. I know that much man haha, BUT I’m assuming this won’t make me have to complete the mission again? Each key can be used to open the Golden Chest in Sanctuary, Borderlands 2’s city hub. These new farming hotspots for powerful weapons are way simple and don’t need any companions to help you with although you will need to complete the “Commander Lilith” DLC. I found farming for the Sandhawk a bit more difficult because the save point is very close to where you get the reward, i.e., easy to trigger an unwanted save. It should still work from the HD- I think I’ve done it with my main alt character a few times but it’s been a while since I’ve done so…. leGit510. Pause, make your mule save and quit, then after that, don’t unpause, instead dashboard. Then I re-open The Handsome Collection, select Borderlands 2, and load my character. Do you have to have your game saved to the cloud? Press J to jump to the feed. Reload the game, turn in the quest (again) to see if you get a better variation. Still have questions? Press the Xbox button to bring up the dialogue that will take you to the Home screen. Oh, and at the risk of stating the obvious, you will lose anything you have done since your last save, so make sure you save as close as possible to where you want to dashboard farm! I believe, on all platforms, quest rewards are tracked individually. Skags spawn at various points around the crater, and it's always in groups of 4. How to Farm Eridium Fast in Borderlands 2 in 2019. For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Help Farming the Sand Hawk (Can I have Multiple Tries)". I would advise against getting too carried away with trying for perfect parts though, I spent 2 days (That was playing about 6 or 7 hours a day) trying for the pimpernell, and even longer trying for the sandhawk…you will end up getting very frustrated after the 100th ‘Captain Scarlett’s’ Prefix, lol. I would download it, it would finish downloading, then it says I need to download the compatibility pack again and I try again and it says it again. This is a description for how to farm The Warrior during the story mission The Talon of God for an easy and guaranteed chance at all 5 of his legendaries as well as several head customizations like Jack's mask and more. The Borderlands game franchise, including all DLC, sequels, pre-sequels, and re-pre-sequels. You have to farm the BNK3R and The Warrior to get these, respectively. I’m on here all day. Prior to turning in, I run by a save station to make sure the game recognizes I've done the tasks. At this point, I use the "PS" button to bring me to the dashboard/PS4 screen and close the application. Recently, my siren, who was about lvl 30 at the time, picked up a gun called a Dynamic Fibber. I would also make the argument that the rewards for quests are, for the most part, not that big of a deal. This is the guide for you. At least, this is how it works on PC. Find guides to this achievement here. So, after I killed it, a tick appeared in the mission log on the right of the screen. Grab a vehicle, with the Bee equipped, and use the machine gun. As soon as the weapon comes up on screen, if it’s not the one you want go to the Xbox home screen and reload the game to try again. Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats Will we both be able to "farm" in the dashboard method until we get items we like? For this particular quest a backup, USB save seems particularly important. What happens if we both quit the game after completing the quest objectives but before turning in? Since I never hit "X" to accept the reward/close the quest, I should be able to go back to Character X and see what the prize is this time, right? A) If neither version is good, just dashboard / sign out of profile and try again, B) If you like weapon on 2nd char, just accept it, save and quit that controller only. My favorite place for farming tubbies has been the Crater in the Torgue DLC. I talk to Character X and see that the quest reward is kind of crappy. On console you can either dashboard farm like OP did, that’s when you close the entire game without saving in case you didn’t know, or you can do the cross save method, which is better imo. The best farm for Eridium in 2019 is found within Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep DLC. You might even be able to pick it up for a closer examination. I'm playing The Handsome Collection on the PS4. MVP; Posts: 539; Re: Borderlands 2 Corrupt file. how do i convince my parents to buy me a switch? All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Borderlands 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Official Borderlands Discord! Borderlands 2 Conference Call (Xbox 360)? Borderlands 2 brand new “Commander Lilith and the Fight For Sanctuary” DLC allows you to grind and farm solo effortlessly. Hope I partly helped. There is a glitch having to do with the new dashboard public beta that messes with the Borderlands 2 Compatibility Pack. You will exit the game without saving. The only thing you can do on xbox is „dashboard farming“ it‘s not really farming, you just reroll the reward till it‘s a version you like and then you take it and just have that one reward level 1 … I've read several posts here and want to make sure I understand dashboarding properly. I went in the menu and chose the "save and quit" option. Except the moxxi guns :-), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Borderlands community. « Reply #4 on: 08:50 AM - 10/20/12 » Quote from: mist4fun on 04:59 PM - 10/18/12. High-Flying Hurler achievement in Borderlands 2 (Xbox 360) 6: by oG Yeah: High-Flying Hurler trophy in Borderlands 2 (PS3) 1: by Cobalt_1983: High-Flying Hurler trophy in Borderlands 2 (PS4… Find a solution in the XIM APEX Support FAQ XIM APEX Quick Start Guide | XIM Instructional Videos. I saw a couple of my Xbox Live friends playing Borderlands 2 last night, as I flicked through the dashboard and waited for Jet Set Radio to finish downloading: it made me want to play it even more. Join. For this particular quest a backup, USB save seems particularly important. So, the other person either has to host to turn in, or has to jump into single player to turn in that one quest. If one of you accepts the reward and the other dashboards, and the host is the person that did accept, the turn in is not valid for that game. Borderlands 2 Farming The Bee. For example, say I wanted to get the shield "The Sham", or the shotgun "The Conference Call". (And restore it in case something goes wrong? Just to clarify- you don’t need to go to Xbox Home (by hitting the Y button) to dashboard out. Sorry to be a pest with these questions, I just couldn't find a definitive answer while searching. Or will save & quitting the 2nd char cause the first char to save? You’ll reach this area within 3-5 hours after starting the game, and can then access it anytime. Get your answers by asking now. ), Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/poisd2strikes-humble-shop/367700, Sign in 2nd character from alternate account that hasn’t done quest yet. It’s just a short dash away so you don’t lose much, if anything. Farming & Side Quests Farming or grinding for money and level is of little use in Borderlands 2. Like… where are the saved games stored and how to copy it onto the USB? I'm off to back up my borderlands 2 save to a flash drive.. Logged Have a problem with your XIM APEX? Ask Question + 100. A Krieg might want a specific flame of the firehawk shield, but until UVHM it really doesn't matter that much tbh. All you have to do is look at the item, if you don’t want it don’t take it. I get a quest from Character X. I go out, complete the tasks, and get the "Turn In" text on my screen.