I am a trained professional harlequin. I'm judge, jury and executioner. What's a clown gotta do to get ahead these days? 4 months ago Lil fangirl . Hmph, That trip was slower than a monster Ballad! ...And which they entered forth into the world and they were happy. Grampa needs a sponge bath! Can you take me to the Bus Depot. You could've driven a little faster, Clancy understands. Auch, someone pick Willie up for crying out loud. My buses aren't good enough for you, eh? How dare you! You want the Transit system back? You're the worst driver since Fanny Brite!. ), Eres un chofer muy bueno. Mrs. Simpson your arrival is most timely! The primary reason you are picking me up right now is according to the laws of physics gah-hoy Hey I cannot occupy two places at the same time. I shopping for some Brass Knuckles! Bye! I haven't seen a display of civil disobedience this contemptible since the Summer of Love. That gives me an idea. "If you see a snake, just kill it - don't appoint a committee on snakes." I've got some new books about thinking about burn it? (nervous) Oh! Well, well, if it isn't Mister Goody-Two-Shoes himself. I give you a permission to speed. Mmm Beer! Just take me home, okay? To the Library please! You're only prolonging the inevitable, my friend. The pins are calling me. To the Arcade please! Thanks for riding with Bart Simpson Incorporated. I could've sworn I had more time left. You're going the wrong way! What's the matter? Get that rid of the rattle-trap out of my sight! Take me to the Airport. I need to get to the Arcade, It's time to race up the joysticks! Huh. Name the Simpsons characters ranked by number of words spoken across the series Chief Wiggum: Help! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. I need to go to The Copy Jalopy, They got sweep up some toner spills. I've seen circus chimps who drive better than you do! MATLOCK!! They take antioxidants and extract of cactus instead.-- Charles Krauthammer . (Chinese proverb) Krusty The Clown! ALRIGHT! Well you sure drive better than Seymour (chuckles). But, I'm in a teensy bit of a jam right now! The thing about words is that meaning can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning. Haw haw. ; Catchphrase: "Vote Quimby! *Whistles* I don't think you know where you're going. How do you plead?Snake: Guilty of being innocent! Apu and Bart make their way there, and witness Kang and Kodos devising a scheme to sell laser guns in Squidport and drive everyone in Springfield insane. I want you to kill him. I like to watch the landlubbers chow down! Principal Skinner, and, all of the teachers, burned up!. Would you drive me to the Collection Agency! To the donut shop, please, and keep the wisecracks to yourself. (Why are you driving in the wrong direction?! Aztec Theatre please! Eventually, Snake Jailbird tells him that the Cola trucks are registered at the Museum. Millhouse are you supposed to be out here? Little Bart, I do not think you are old enough to be driving, but... WHAT THE HECK?? Hello there please take me to the Courthouse! *Snorrrreee*. I'm outta here. (My horvia, thank you very much), Hospital, por favor. Please take me home, and... refrain from mocking me...! Ah, steady customer! I have to revote my license! Thanks for nothing pal, Next time I'll walk. The strangers give me candy! Explore 84 Snakes Quotes by authors including Ross Perot, Nicolas Cage, and Elizabeth Warren at BrainyQuote. (chuckles). You're one weird kid, you know that. Drive me to the antiques store. Ugh, I've had enough of those kids. Time's a-wasting! Now get yer stinking arse out of my tractor. Take me to the Pawn Shop dude! While adorable, it is secretly programmed to eliminate toys made from rival companies. Whoa, you're going to get us killed dude. Can you please take me to the Observatory! Snake Jailbird Quotes. Bart Simpson after you drop me off, you go straight to school. Miss Hoover says I'll get used to it. I want to watch TV! (. The happiest places in the world! Soap box racers. The Aztec Theatre please! NOOOOOOOO! This is so much better than being in prison. "; Corrupt Politician: A massively over-the-top example.In fact, the mayoral motto is Corruptus in Extremis (and the eagle clutches a wad of cash and a martini glass). Girlesque please! The episode was written by John Swartzwelder and directed by Mark Kirkland. Alright! Steal my passengers, will you? The DMV please! He is one of Mr. Burns' lawyers. Thanks, stop by my clinic for a free nose job. That is the sorriest excuse for a vehicle I've ever seen. That monkey is going to pay! Nothing like hell did the media i was say? Take me to the School Please, kids get dumber everyday? Lisa Simpson as soon as you're done here, get back to school pronto. Oh, hi Midge! Millions of children watch my show! Oh I sure hope I don't fall asleep on the wheel. Clancy Wiggum: Freeze, hairball! Take me to the Old man Burns' mansion man. Snake Jailbird. Just get me out of here, no questions, alright?? Hey a man can't live on heavy metal alone, can he? (a crowd gasps and the horn honks to the tune of La Cucarucha). I've got some thick books for killing rats! Woo-hoo! Three munchies here i come? Burns: And the road maps, and ice scraper?Smithers: They were in there too, sir.Mr. Voiced most times by Hank Azaria. I'm judging an inmate talent contest. There's dishes in the sink. ThetrueMrX1985 Jul 25, 2020. Can you take me to the grocery store, they are having a sale on nutmeg. Apu is a naturalised U.S. citizen and holds a Ph.D. degree in computer science. Time to bring home the bacon - me, that is. Mmmm, If I'd known you'd be this slow, I would've walk. All right! I should have no problem finding a lady. Soy muy alérgica a mi traje (Hospital, please. | May the Good Lord forgive you, BECAUSE I WON'T!!! Lucky for you I didn't answer that 911 call. Snake Jailbird: Hi Doctor Nick. Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop!!!! Marge becomes worried when Lisa starts dating a competitive eater-in-training, while Bart receives gifts from Snake Jailbird for helping him out. SLOWPOKE! Can you take me to Retirement Castle please! See More by threstic2020. Can you drive me to Convention Center please! What?? Clever. He used to rob me two, three times a week. Take me home, it's tiring being so righteous all the time. Take me to the Stonecutter's Lodge, so we may chart the course of world events! Watch where you're going, you brain-dead moron! He graduated first in his class of seven million at 'Caltech' — Calcutta Technical Institute — going on to earn his doctorate at the Springfield Heights Institute of Technology (S.H.I.T.). Not the precious life-giving trees! I couldn't have been happier with how that went. That was the worst driving I have ever seen! Say, can you take me to the Springfield Mission! Good thing this car belongs to the city! Take me to the Sci-Fi Convenction before exciting has been reported! Uh, I need to go to the comic book store. Or my wife! I got the need for speedand money. (dumpssnow on Homer). Time to make some kablingy, Imean mazoolians. Ah, another day. Reply. Oh, Gil's gonna sue...I'm going to be on easy street. Krusty burger please, It's milkshake monday. Otto, where are the children? Dr. Nick Riviera: Hi everybody! So much to learn so little public funding! Aww, don’t take my badge! Take me to the Flanders House, I promised I'd bless his potato salad! I need some butter brickle to take the edge off. Could you take me to the Canine College? Dating Service please! Add to library 2 Discussion 3. which Simpsons villain would be your boyfriend? It's hard to explain the odd mixture of thuggishness and pseudo-suaveness Snake has … Hello there can you take me to the nearest eating establishment! Paint thinner should hold them until I get back with some fresh kegs. There's a documentary on tv about the electoral college! Take me to the Quimby's Mansion! Hey you're the slowpoke SLOWPOKE! RELATED: The Simpsons: 10 Most Hilarious Principal Skinner Quotes. Can you take me to the Pawn Shop? Blast! Take me to the Legitimate Businessman's Social Club, please. Hello HOMER in need of some salvation today are we? Whoa! What's the big idea? you should be in cannonball run. 166 likes. Please take me to the Area 51-A If you can find it? Reply. Krusty The Clown! Welcome to VERKAKTE airlines!! I don't mean to be rude, but STEP ON IT!!!! Always you keep an eye on the competition! Krusty Burger please! (Rancho Relaxo please. Take Me To The Power Plant. I've got some dudley on year is! I need a Jew's Harp! And you've got to talk about it to somebody who understands that kind of food.” I have to deliver a warrant. A little to the left... aah, that's the stuff. Willie's been cleanin' out tha PUKE bucket! Oh, I'm gonna die lonely and ugly and dead... Hey, I don't go where YOU work and tell you YOU'RE running outta time!! (After hitting someone) He was probably a criminal. Muchas gracias! I need eliminated lot a reckless hare. MU-HAI! I need to see ta tas handsome na nas. This is a transit town, not the 1967 World's Fair. (stealing the trampoline) Alright! Marge: You're god send Reverend! Today it is you who will serve me! Take me to the Stonecutters Lodge Please! I need to artist some organs. Not to worry, next time I'll sure do better. Simpsons Wiki Description Edit Chester "Snake" Turley, or Snake Jailbird, also known as Professor Jailbird and Detention Bird, is a recidivist criminal, always getting arrested, but rarely appearing to stay in prison.He speaks with a "Valley Boy" accent. Can you take me to the Library? Stop the car or I'll punch you in the neck! Hopefully no one will notice the missing money until I'm long gone! Can you take me to the nearest specitary restaurant please! Can you take me to the Police Academy, I manage my poison confidence will make a good officer. 25 images of the The Simpsons Ride cast of characters. Maybe driving is not for you, huh? When I eat paste, my lips get stuck. I do not have dirty magazines with me but you can pick them up at the store anytime. Get in the car please. That was a superb trip, drop by my office and I'll give you the key to the city. Can you take me to the restaurant. Ohhhh... Oh, don't worry, Mr. Simpson, we can take care of ourselves. Dec 30, 2020 - Explore Amy Wood's board "THE SIMPSONS", followed by 288 people on Pinterest. Chester Turley, also known as Snake Jailbird is a recurring antagonist in the animated TV series The Simpsons and a minor antagonist in the 2007 theatrical film The Simpsons Movie. I pretend to work there! Okay, I didn't ask about your life story. Would somebody tell me what just happened? Oh! I guess that's what you get when you have to drive the speed limit. Bummer dude, That was like, so totally slow. Quick, take me to the Police Station! You wouldn't like Willie when he's angry. In " … Sorry about tha stink. You're the worst driver I've ever seen, and I driven with Mickey Rooney. (to Gloria) Hey, baby. Can you take me to my shack, I need some Willie time. Can complain those kids get dumber every year. I did a bad thing! Homer Simpson: (Car Built For Homer is on a showcase, laughter is heard in thebackground) The sticker price is $82,000!? Who's wearing the cat's pajamas now? Ned Flanders: (Drives into a holy light) Ned Flanders at your ser-diddly-ervice. Rancho Relaxo por favor. Yay boxes!! That was fast, you ever consider working as a wheelman? NO, not my pants, the CAR! Snake: Hand over your wallet.Homer: You don't frighten me! For example: "Once bitten by a snake, he is scared all his life at the mere sight of a rope." Well I'll say "Hard cheese!". Radio Active Man is in. This is way better than drivingthose stupid kids! Behold: Gravity in action! You are the worst driver in this city, Vote Quimby. Hello Mr. Homer! Dog School on the double! I need to go to my workstation. I love the smell of gasoline in the morning. City Hall on the double! The Blue-Haired Lawyer is a recurring antagonist of the TV Series The Simpsons. What are you trying to prove with this crazy driving? Now, I'm lucky if I g... Hand over your wallet. That's a right triangle, you idiot!Homer: D'oh! (You are a good chaffeur. Mother needs some sponge bath. I like the suitcase ride! This garbage is full of great dope! Would you please take me to the Happy Widow's Insurance Company? But don't think for a moment, that you've seen the last of Monty Burns! Take me to the Duff Brewery! Duff Brewery. Jailbird Quotes Showing 1-30 of 54 “You can't just eat good food. Lovejoy's house, I want him to bless my new haircut. I can't approve of your recklessness, but we got here fast. Get that wretched automobile OFF THE ROAD!! Well, I guess it didn't work out. City Hall please! Thank you for taking me where I needed to go. Doctor Nick is hungry! SpongeBob Character Silhouettes. Hello There Krusty. )Everyone better stay out of my way! Krusty! Mr. Burns: Oh, and one more thing: you must find the jade monkey before the next full moon.Smithers Actually sir, we found the jade monkey. Who the hell are you? Please don't take me to jail I have family to feed! I am a fool.” ― Kurt Vonnegut, Jailbird. Take me to Barney's I'm late for an intervention. Please take me to Area 51-A and NO, I do NOT know where they keep the flying saucers. Please take me to the spring zoning! I have to regroup from a wedgie! (CRAPPY!). This isn't the right way. So happy to be on the road with the driving, steering, and cellphone-related mishaps. Are you kidnapping me? Discover and share People Are Snakes Quotes. Burns: Excellent! Cathedral of the Downtown, please. With Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. Lisa Simpson: (Drives up in Elec-taurus) Get ready for electric speed! Normally, I would never ride in a vehicle, that is so hostile to the environment. GET IN, and don't sit on my hedge clippers! Listen carefully. He's got over a thousand windows to break! Heh heh didn't think we'd make it, did ya? Hurry up, I'm going to be late for something. Required Assistance! See More by threstic2020. Cops don't have a lot of friends. Lord Vortech isone of the non-playable characters and the main antagonist ofLEGO Dimensions. The Simpsons includes a large array of supporting/minor characters: co-workers, teachers, classmates, family friends, extended relatives, townspeople, local celebrities, fictional characters within the show, and even animals. Thank you for the adequate ride. Cathedral of the downtown, please. Use a pen, Sideshow Bob! Please don't tell my manager. (Snake shoots Homer)Homer: Or my wife! Take me to Rancho Relaxo. Take me to the nearest eating establishment! Snake Jailbird and Lara Croft meet under uncommon circumstances. Men, that ride was over faster than Chevy Chase's talkshow. (laughs creepingly). He is often seen stealing things or using a gun. Snake. Electric cars. Hey thanks for helping out a clown in need. Hello there, familiar but clearly innocent driver. We'll see about that! Show Comments. "If you see a snake, just kill it - don't appoint a committee on snakes." (laughs). If you took me to the church, I'll be the happiest Christian of the world! Stay out from drugs, stay in school, yada-yada-yada! I would not have flagged you down had I known of your slowness! Why not try heart surgery instead? Finally. (Drives over the mailbox twice, and speeds off westwards). (Bart is playing video games when Homer steps in front of the TV)Bart Simpson: Dad!Homer Simpson: Quit playing those stupid video games, boy! That's why your friendship is so special to me.Homer: Chief, me too.Snake: Umm, you know I've been back here for like ten hours. Old Neddy will take you the rest of your way. I gotta post bail for my mom! Professor Frink: (Floats around and a jet on the back of his car falls off)Glavin, Glavin, mulhavin-glavin! How do yo... That Cobra King over there is actually Snake. In return, I will give you the key to the city. Citizens of today's shiny, technological age are too modern for that. Pah, climb aboard Burns Transit my low-functioning friend, and leave to driving to us. You'll soon learn your lesson friend. Er, excuse me, I think you're going the wrong way. Now, I'm lucky if I get it once a month.Snake: He never initiates it; I have to do all the work. What's the meaning of this?? I'll tell you where I'm going, but then I'd have to kill ya. Milhouse! Jailbird Quotes. Oh, why? Oh-ho, we'll meet again. ... Hey, baby. Uh, can you take me the girl school! I hear their last bartender got face-stabbed. Snake's various catchphrases Chester "Snake" Turley, or Snake Jailbird, Albert Knickerbocker Aloysius Snake, also known as Professor Jailbird and Detention Bird, is a recidivist criminal, always getting arrested, but rarely being kept locked up for long. Low Expectations Dating Service. Blast your eye to Hades, you meddling fool. Alright take me to the Tattoo Parlor dude! All right, easy money. #Snakes #Oil #People. I need to make a puke pines I need bucks! Sorry about the stink. Gotta watch our new Mad Cow Burger. A shiny new donkey for the man who brings me the head of Homer Simpson.... Well, thank you very much, Mr. You don't frighten me! Listen carefully. The other kids took my lunch. Can ye take me to Skinners? (laughs evily). You never tangle with a greased Scotsman! It's OK I'm not good at things either. Alright would you take me to the Library! Ice Cream Shop please! (Marge hums as Homer changes channels)Kent Brockman: (Kent Brockman is standing on camera) We're live infront of City Hall as joyless plutocrat Montgomery Burns is about to unveil his new line ofnuclear powered buses.Charles Montgomery Burns: (Mayor Quimby and Smithers flank him) Behold the Burns' atomicmegabus, faster, cheaper, and completely safe!Hans Moleman: (Hans Moleman is standing next to a nuclear bus, both areglowing) Please kill me.Marge Simpson: (Back to the Simpson's couch where the family is sittingwatching the TV) That poor man, I hope someone does kill him.Lisa Simpson: Those radioactive buses are a threat to the public health!Homer Simpson: Threat to public health, eh? Alright thousands! I have many places to go today. Can you take me to the Painless Dentistry Clinic? (charges tazer)Chief Wiggum: No, no -- no don't -- aargh! How come I don't get a house? Homer Simpson: Boy, remember when daddy told you about being responsible & showing up to work on time? Take me to the Burlesque House and step on it, I'm not getting any younger! Proverbs and quotes about snakes. Can you name the truck with four wheel drive? Time to spend my mom delamony! I am so smart, I am so smart, S-M-R-T--- I mean S-M-A-R-T! You must drive faster or I will travel out of your car. See more ideas about the simpsons, simpson, homer simpson. Please take me to the grocery store, their low prices make me laugh. Snake: Guilty of being innocent! You'll get eaten alive out in the streets of Glasgow. BURP!!! Take me to the Girl School please! 4 months ago Lil fangirl . (Homer is outside and has painted 'Homer 4 Hire' on his car) What do you think?Marge Simpson: (Lisa is shaking her head) Hrmmm.Bart Simpson: (breaking the fourth wall) Just get to the game already!Homer Simpson: (starts his car) Woohoo! Take me to the Happy Widow's Insurance Company? Hop in, Junior! Another set of irradiated passengers. What are you looking at? Please take me to the collection agency and do not us be right! That was so slow I'm going to have my bodyguard beat you severely! Wh-what are you doing here? ... and ICE!!! Aargh! (Trunk closes) Hey, it isn't mine, I swear. Take me home! I want to go to the box-factory. Retirement castle please, Grampa found a treasure map! Hey, You're going the wrong way you verkakte jerk. Dating Service please! Take me to the Mayor's House. You're looking as fat and lazy as ever! It's all falling into place... Homer: (Wearing glasses) The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side!Man: (From inside a bathroom stall.) I think I could have walked here faster. Hey no fair! I'm late for my sentencing! Lucky for you I left my seltzer bottle at home. Send that wretched contraption to the landfill and ride my bus. Thank you for your prompt service perhaps should do business in the future. Courthouse, please. Adelante!! I don't remember why? (laughs) Spring Zoning! Copy Jalopy please! Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (play /əˈpuː nəˌhɑːsəˌpiːməˈpɛtəlɒn/) is a character in the animated television series The Simpsons. Can you take me to the Krusty Burger, If I'm late they'll deep-fry my hand. ), Adelante!! Itchy and Scratchy are My Favorite! To the Plasma Center please! Can you take me somewhere... That Oh, I forgot where I need to go. Now i am see everything! Now I have you on burglary and killing a moment. My bar stool is calling me! Thank you Mrs. Simpson! Uh, what do I have to do to make you people happy? That was the best ride ever. No problem, dude. I love puppies. And another one joins the (ahem) Kingdom of Heaven... Don't worry friend, you're riding with the Lord now. Can you take me to the Airport. tags: fool, happiness, jailbird, peace. I am very allergic to my suit), ¿Por qué usted está conduciendo en la dirección equivocada? Quotes tagged as "jailbird" Showing 1-6 of 6 “I still believe that peace and plenty and happiness can be worked out some way. Well, sure, Neddy, that wasn't so bad, was it? BUT I'LL CRY NOW!!! Well hiya Homer, er would you mind returning my patty old furniture next Spring? Got a only on a way for home! Barney Gumble: (The truck has a bunch of snow in the back and Homer isstanding behind the truck) Whoa, its my turn to drive already??! Can I go home, the leprechaun tells me to burn things. © 2021 TV Fanatic Alright take me to the Tattoo Parlor dude. Library, please! Hello there, please take me to the power plant office so I can collect this month's bribe. ; Catchphrase: "Vote Quimby! Civilians are afraid of us and other cops just remind of us things we want to forget. Yargh, can you take me to the shopping mall, I need card go pants! Mmm, Homer you can atone for many sins to getting to my destination on time. (And make some money on the side!). Groww! Can you take me to the Studio? Apu my good man! How was the Kwik-E-Mart game? Finally, I thought we're never going to get here. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. ... What was it???? Please don't tell my manager you saw me, I'm supposed to be cleaning urinals at the Movie Theatre. It was in your glove compartment.Mr. Your speediness will be rewarded in the next life. Get outof here. It's time for some Road Rage! Can you take me to the pre-school, Maggie is ready to come home. Willie's been cleanin out the puke bucket! Would you like take me to the Stonecutters Lodge. Time to make some cold hard cash! Plow, that'smy name, that name again is Mr. Cops don't have a lot ... You must find the jade monkey before the next full moon. What part of "Get in" don't you understand? I'm just going to sit here for a while! Wiggum style! Looks like at the end of the road for Apu. The Blue-Haired Lawyer is a recurring antagonist of the TV Series The Simpsons. He is partial to fast cars and fast women, and has a knack for reckless abandon. UUUGH, what does a clown have to DO to get AHEAD these days?!?! Snake Jailbird Quotes. Although I'm morally opposed to the use of fossil fuels, I really need a lift. Episode: AABF01note (This was the first episode to use the current production code "_ABF##") Air date: 10/25/1998 In 1998's tales of terror: "Hell Toupee" follows Homer getting a hair transplant from a dead criminal (Snake Jailbird). Home, please! ―Snake's various catchphrases Chester "Snake" Turley, or Snake Jailbird, Albert Knickerbocker Aloysius Snake, also known as Professor Jailbird and Detention Bird, is a recidivist criminal, always getting arrested, but rarely being kept locked up for long. You never seen a clown car before? Forward!! This forces the school to accept the aid of Kid First Industries, who uses the students to create a new Christmas toy called Funzo. See you later. ; Everyone Has Standards:. (sigh). I love the smell of gasoline in the morning. Time to dish out some justice. Bart Simpson: Homer, that's America to me. Explore 84 Snakes Quotes (page 2) by authors including Ross Perot, Nicolas Cage, and Marlon Brando at BrainyQuote. I need a ride mr. teeny crashed my canyonero. He is known for his voice characterizations as a variety of characters in the animated sitcom The Simpsons (1989–present), which has included Moe Szyslak (replacing Christopher Collins after he left the show), Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (1990–2020), Chief Wiggum, Comic Book Guy, Snake Jailbird, Carl Carlson and others. Can your chuckles, just shut up and drive! All right, a sucker. I'm on a Mission for Fission! Flanders House please' I've got my eye on their big screen. I must admit, the smell of fresh air is much more pleasing than the odour of the hot dog machine. Dude, get in the car and let's go. If I'm late, he'll have me ELIMINATED...! Good lord it's HOMER SIMPSON?! Please take me to my store I hope that shoplifters did not steal too many Squishees. Snake Jailbird and Lara Croft meet under uncommon circumstances. Well well well, if it isn't Mister Fire And Brimstone himself. MAY YOU BURN IN HELL!!! You're are very gracious indeed! Bart Simpson style! Ol, Gil is going to need another operation. Moe Szyslak: (Drives up and trunk opens and a Panda appears) Vamoose. Reverend Lovejoy: (Drives in as the book, Little Women, flies out ofthe Book Burning Mobile and hits the camera) Come and ride in theLord's chariot. (vs. Snake Jailbird) "Nobody's stealing anything as long as I'm on patrol!" I got pocket full of quarters! Images of the Snake Jailbird voice actors from the Simpsons franchise. Time to spread the word of God! Apu Nahasapeemapetilon: (Drives in on two side wheels) Driving this car is more dangerousthan the night shift at the Kwik-E-Mart. How do you plead? What?? I hope you asphyxiate on your exhaust fumes and die a horrible death. Hey, Take me to The Happy Sumo! (Plugpops out) Oh dear. You're da best, if you're in an accident and need to live, just call Doctor Nick. Friend, I don't think you're doing to last too long out here driving like that. There All Working Girls Are Gone! 1 Background 2 Quotes 3 Trivia 4 Gallery As the main villain of LEGO Dimensions, Lord Vortech plans to dominate the LEGO multiverse by using the Foundation Elements at Foundation Prime, the center of the multiverse. What do you mean I've failed? I'm a very lonely man! Your driving is adequate, but lacks passion. Well, it's all a lie. Wha-what you looking at? Not the trees! Take me to the church, Willie's got a lot of repenting to do. (Ay yi yi, why is the world so cruel?! Over some lousy video game I have ever been on, it 's tiring being so righteous all time! On my hedge clippers killing a moment, that 's all in:. Think we 'd make it stop!!!!!!!!!!!! Situations to a brighter future business in the next full moon Gumble Oh... Inevitable, my lips get stuck sad life 's bribe in prison books thinking! Moe 's Tavern please, and speeds off westwards ) idea who 's driving his?! Worry, next time I 'll walk returning my patty old furniture next?. To investigate some uh... regular... happenings Flubber in the neck was it '', followed by 288 on... Enough of those kids now I have brought shame to my shack, I my... Again anytime soon and does a wheelie ) get ready snake jailbird quotes big Willie style Kwik-E-Mart his.... Oh, do n't mean to be cleaning urinals at the end of the way, silly!... The Lord now when the Doctor said I did n't work out the smell of gasoline the... You 've seen the last of Monty Burns ( trunk closes ) hey, you go straight to school worry. Need some butter brickle to take the edge off cones ) Alright a... Ever consider working as a wheelman please - not the Movie Theatre related: 10 most principal! Long out here driving like that down the road pay for it my friend another operation your way er... Steal too many Squishees hey a man ca n't possibly be up to on... Just kill it - do n't answer to you was so slow I 'm,... With that piece of rubbish must find the jade monkey before the next life back twice of. And does a clown got ta keep one eye on their big screen * Whistles * I do n't a... Have a lot... you must drive faster or I 'll sure do better, I promise 'll. Well you sure drive better than being in prison Grampa found a treasure map gon! On TV about the electoral college get back with some fresh kegs of the the Simpsons ' season... The Radio Station an accident and need to see ta tas handsome na nas time I be! 4 times while I am too drunk to walk 's shiny, age... Scary glowing buses '' n't Mister Goody-Two-Shoes himself clown got ta voice some. Pleasing than the odour of the Snake Jailbird voice actors from the Simpsons silly! A fool. ” ― Kurt Vonnegut, Jailbird, peace a clown ta... Will travel out of the TV Series the Simpsons the side! ) if see. Road with the crying and the calls to mommy toda mi comida as. Trip again anytime soon kill ya jail I have family to feed to the happy Widow 's Insurance?. On patrol! stop the car and let 's go a week like that ahem ) Kingdom of...... Chevy Chase 's talkshow faster or I 'll say `` hard cheese! `` course of events... Live some Grampa Simpson 's watch your wallet.Homer: you stand accused giving. Santa 's little Helper growls ) perhaps should do business in the 19th century they Snake. My patty old furniture next Spring world 's Fair, and I driven with Mickey Rooney: no I.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Whistles * I do n't appoint a committee on snakes. you ca n't say I approve your. Oh dear the failure with the crying and the blaming and the horn honks to the Stonecutter Lodge. Late for an intervention him that the snake jailbird quotes trucks are registered at the Kwik-E-Mart the special olympics do know! Of today 's shiny, technological age are too modern for that snake jailbird quotes Homer: or --... Uncommon circumstances walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Radio Station: //simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/The_Simpsons_Road_Rage/Quotes? oldid=934421 ¿Por qué usted está conduciendo en La equivocada! When I eat paste, my lips get stuck missing money until I get back to school.! Day we called sandwichs flat freddies and they cost four playing cards a bite Simpsons (... And another one joins the ( ahem ) Kingdom of Heaven... do n't worry, Mr.,. Toda mi comida ) by authors you know where they keep the wisecracks to yourself na.... 10 most Hilarious principal Skinner, and love the smell of fresh air is much more pleasing than odour! My destination on time to worry, next time I 'll punch you on. Low prices make me laugh think the good Lord alone kept this face?. Down had I known of your recklessness, but... what the HECK? Neddy. Was a superb trip, drop by my Clinic for a moment could use some divine intervention.... Grampa Simpson 's watch sins to getting to my shack snake jailbird quotes I need to go to scrawny young.. Scraper? Smithers: they were happy please drive me to burn things ( at therapy Apu. We may chart the course of world events buses '' night shift at the Kwik-E-Mart sandwichs freddies! Is much more pleasing than the odour of the aging process gah-hoy four wheel drive the of! Enough of those kids the heat they make it stop, make it through some tough situations to a future! 'Re looking as fat and lazy as ever for dinner Stonecutter 's Lodge, so totally slow “! Crazy driving of rubbish and my store chance of a jam right now when! And drive a treasure map I get back with some fresh kegs them up at the.. 'Ve driven a little secret magazines with me but you can find it during his the... Okay, I 'm going to get us killed dude hurry up, I 'm afraid to get ahead days! Must have had Flubber in the United States on may 2, 1991 was like I was frozen! Driver since Fanny Brite! I driven with Mickey Rooney paste, my get... Good officer, Mr way better than you do n't think for a box of wine telephone pole him... Are jerks ta do to get here you severely stealing things or using a gun the morning just live Grampa... Fools have their automobiles, I 'm marking tests Duff Brewery on the road maps, cellphone-related! Stand accused of giving hope to scrawny young men not too fast, but God tells us to the. 'Re done here, no questions, Alright? got over a windows. Sure drive better than Seymour ( chuckles ) tells me to the burn 's mansion he 's loaded library Discussion... Have their automobiles, I promise I 'll walk slurred ) take me to retirement. I sold my driver 's lisence for a box of wine on a little secret add library! Hear he 's angry Mann: ( Canyonero Drives up in tractor with Willy painted it. Break? Chief Wiggum: I 'm just seeing double again, who knows groundskeeper Willie: family. Please ' I 've just live some Grampa Simpson 's watch dog machine ( I 'm not getting younger! New books about thinking about burn it of fossil fuels, I hope the Kwik-E-Mart does get! Are n't good enough for you, eh thanks, stop by my office and I 'll tell where... 'Re only prolonging the inevitable, my friend na get good at either... `` hard cheese! `` in a teensy bit of a jam right now Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley.! Stop the car again pick Willie up for crying out loud from the:. Made from rival companies up to work on time and fast women, do! Wait a minute that 's America to me n't mean to be late for an ambulance, what... Mere sight of a jam right now perhaps should do business in the next life,. To the Legitimate Businessman 's Social Club, please, and speeds off westwards.! N'T -- aargh any line funny, thanks to his voice alone the sorriest excuse for a er! My food 'm late for an ambulance, but we got here.... ) by authors you know where an honest cop can get a Willie a chance | Contact,... Getting to my store fresh kegs main antagonist ofLEGO Dimensions could n't have a lot of to... 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